Commission Info
Ever wanted your own piece of Hazu art? I’m available for commissions! Keep reading for available options, prices, and rules.
Current Status: OPEN
These prices are per-character, per piece. Assume a second character will double the price, but discounts may be given depending on pose/how much of the second character is shown.

Shaded Sketch
Bust: $15
Add Flat Colors: $5
Waist-Up: $25
Add Flat Colors: $7.50
Fullbody: $35
Add Flat Colors: $10

Clean Lineart
Bust: $25
Add Flat Colors: $5
Waist-Up: $40
Add Flat Colors: $7.50
Fullbody: $55
Add Flat Colors: $10

Full-Color Illustration
Bust: $50
Add Simple BG: $10
Waist-Up: $85
Add Simple BG: $20
Fullbody: $120
Add Simple BG: $30

Expression Sheet
Sketch: $35
Lines & Flat Colors: $60
*Five busts of a single character making different expressions.

Traditional Ink or Pencil
Bust: $45
Add Simple BG: $10
Waist-Up: $60
Add Simple BG: $15
Fullbody: $75
Add Simple BG: $20
*This is physical media and the original can be mailed to you upon request.
Miscellaneous Offerings

Chibi Sticker Design
Design + 100 Stickers: $150
Design + Print and Sale Rights: $200+
Sponsor-A-Sticker + 10 Stickers: $75+
*The first option is only for personal use/free giveaways. The second option gets you the high resolution art suitable for printing on your own and the rights to sell the stickers on your own storefront. The "sponsor" option allows you to request a design, which you will receive 10 printed copies of, but I retain the right to print and sell additional copies.

Logos & Graphics
Design + Digital Use Rights: $75
Design + Print and Sale Rights: $200+
*The first option includes low res art meant for use on personal websites, socials, streaming platforms, etc. The second gets you the high resolution art suitable for printing on physical products, and the rights to print and sell said products on your own storefront.

Pet Portraits
Digital or Acrylic Painting: $100+
*A painting of yours or someone else's pet. Photo reference must be provided. Traditional paintings are on an 18x24 canvas; shipping cost will be in addition to base price. Digital paintings will be in a high resolution file that you may get printed yourself.
Game Art

Visual Novel CGs
Sketch: $25+
Lineart: $50+
Color: 100+
*Full-screen CG for a visual novel game. Prices vary depending on complexity--art style, detail, number of characters, etc. For non-commercial games. Inquire for more details and for commercial prices.

Visual Novel Sprites
Basic Sprite, 1 Pose, 1 Outfit, 3 Expressions: $85+
Add 3 Expressions: $10
Add Pose: $50+
Add Outfit: $35+
*Base prices are based loosely on character illustration prices, but may vary immensely based on art style, and number of poses, expressions, and outfits. For non-commercial games. Inquire for more details and for commercial prices.

Character & Creature Design
Concept Art: $50+
Reference Sheet/Turnaround: $100+
*These are minimum prices for from-scratch design work based on a description or loose concept. For non-commercial games. Inquire for more details and for commercial prices.
How To Order
Terms & Conditions
I take half of the payment up front as a deposit, before starting work, and the other half upon completion. If I am unable to finish the commission for any reason, you will receive a full refund. If YOU cancel the commission partway through, I keep the deposit (unless, perhaps, it’s very early in the process, but that’s at my discretion). At this time, I take Paypal only (sorry). After you fill out this form, I will send you an email to confirm everything, as well as an invoice via Paypal.
Generally you can expect to receive your commission in 1-4 weeks, depending on how busy I am and how time-consuming it is. However, please understand that this is not my full-time job and sometimes real life happens and things take longer. If you’re on a deadline, please let me know up front and we’ll discuss whether I can meet it and any rush fees before I accept the commission.
Humans/Humanoids, Furries/Anthros (realistic or cartoony), Animals/Quadrupeds, Monsters, Aliens. Couples and romance scenes are also okay.
Detailed mechanical parts/robots (androids or cyborgs with small mechanical bits are fine), gore/dismemberment (blood is fine, guts falling out are not), full-frontal nudity (unless the character is covered in fur or something), fetish art, sexual/suggestive art of characters that appear to be children.
If the art is digital, you’ll receive a high-quality .png image, with transparency if applicable. If it’s traditional, you’ll receive a high-resolution scan, and the original may be mailed to you upon request if you’re willing to pay for postage.
I’m only willing to work from image references at this time, unless otherwise agreed upon. That said, you don’t have to provide images of your exact character; photos or images of similar characters with adequate written details will suffice.
I have to put this in here, but basically, I as the artist have the right to refuse to accept a commission for ANY reason, whether it’s because I don’t have time or I’m just not comfortable with what you’re asking for.
This happens very rarely, but additional costs may be incurred for extremely detailed/difficult designs, at my discretion. If this is the case, you will be informed up front and it will be added to the invoice.
You, as the commissioner, have the right to use art you’ve commissioned from me in noncommercial ways ONLY, unless you’ve specifically paid for commercial use rights. You MAY edit the images (i.e. resizing or cropping), but you may NOT resell them, edited or unedited. You may not use the art on commercial products, such as keychains or shirts, or in commercial games, videos, etc. My art may NOT, under any circumstances, ever, be used for anything involving NFTs or AI training. You may post it on social media or gallery websites (such as DeviantArt), or use it for a profile pic or roleplaying purposes, preferably with credit to me. Meanwhile, I will not use your art in any of my products or resell it to anyone else, but I do reserve the right to show it as a portfolio piece in various places online (unless we have some sort of NDA).
You don’t HAVE to credit me, but it would be very much appreciated! However, you also may not take credit for the art yourself, and if I see it floating around the net I reserve the right to inform people that I drew it and link to my commissions/portfolio.
Small revisions because I missed something or you just want a color adjustment or something are generally free, but if you decide to change the design late in the process and it requires a lot of redrawing, you may incur additional charges. That said, you’ll be sent works in progress and be asked to approve pretty much every step in the process, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to make changes before I dive too far in.
Contact & Forms
If you’d like some additional info and details about each commission type, please see this spreadsheet. If you’d like more examples of my work, check out my portfolio page here.
For orders from the “By-The-Character” category, you can fill out my Commission Request Form! Once the form is submitted, I will get back to you ASAP with any follow-up questions and/or an invoice.
If you want something from the “Miscellaneous Offerings” or “Game Art” categories, email your request directly to Please provide as much information about what you want as possible so I can give you an accurate price!
Additionally, if you’re looking for something specific that you’ve seen me do before but isn’t necessarily on this list, shoot me an email and we can probably work something out! I’m willing to work in most any style and generally have no problem giving you a price for something “off-menu.”
For commissions intended for commercial use, please also email me directly to discuss. Commercial rates may vary depending on the exact intended use of the art, how many copies of the product you’re expecting to sell, size of your studio, etc.